We Are Watching…

…the weather like a fat guy cooking bacon. The weather keeps improving in the forecast, so we're more hopeful than a nun in a swim shop. I was going to write something else even funnier, but then I thought, nah, better not.

This Saturday, if the weather holds, will be British Car Day. But as always, all other cars that are E@RTC qualified are still welcome and loved just as much. It's just that those Brits get to take over the center of the mall and along 164th.

We will post our weather decision around 3 PM on Thursday, give or take. By then, we should have a fairly clear read on what the weekend will look like. I have a hunch it’s going to be a tough call. Sort of like your first marriage.

See you all Thursday.


British Car Day is…


Bag the Tea and Crumpets…