British Car Day is…

...on for Saturday, September 21! This is more exciting than your bosses pink eye at the office party! Well, that was funny.

It should be a great British Car Day and possibly one of our last, based on the long-term weather forecast. That next Saturday after this is looking sketchier than that discount blind date you found on the grocery store bulletin board, but it could improve. Unlike your date.

British Car Day is one of our favorites and an event we look forward to all season. I know I say that every year, but that was last year. We always get such a wide range of British cars, from classics to contemporary, all in beautiful shape and well-loved. So many are what they refer to as a 'proper car.'

I always thought 'proper' was the reason I got smacked over the head with a ruler when the nuns said I wasn’t. I grew up with nuns who could smack you straight to Jesus.

Remember that all E@RTC cars are still welcome on theme days. We get that question all the time. That and 'Where’s the bathroom?'

We look forward to seeing you all on Saturday!


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