It’s All About Us

The Details

This website contains a lot of information about what we’re about, our philosophy, and culture of putting fun ahead of everything, but safety. We hope you’ll take the time to read and understand the thinking behind our show which has been refined over thousands of years and passed on from one generation to the next through cave paintings, statues, and weenie roasts, and a carefully contemplated vision and values that would someday become E@RTC. This is a site is dedicated to the spirit of what a community event can become if people are willing to pitch in and just have fun and not take any of this too seriously.

We hide little trinkets of info all over our site just to make it a good read so even if you’re not interested in our rules, they are still pretty good reading. And just so you know, our words are more massaged than Charlie Sheen.

For the latest news, and if we’re rained out that Saturday, or because someone screwed up, see our Newsy page. We post something new to our Newsy page every Thursday at 3 PM while we’re in season.

By the way, did you know that slugs are nature’s gum?

We have our special events listed for the season on our Events page, not to be confused with the fun we have every Saturday morning, weather-permitting…(not that we need permission from the weather or anything). It’s just an expression. These are the special event days when we turn up the excitement to 11. It’s like an extra Red Bull.

Still, for your protection, reduction in your personal embarrassment, safety and stress level, keep an eye on our Newsy page for the latest news so you’re not all mad about nothing!

We guarantee you at least 83.6% more fun each season or no money back.

For your viewing pleasure, we also have a photos page with more highlights along with a page about our stupendous volunteers, affectionally known as the “Parking Thugs.” It’s just cars and people, and some pets here and there, and not just the ones you married or brought into this world.

Admission at E@RTC is FREE!

Yup, F-R-E-E!

For those in Fresno, that means you don’t have to pay for it. We always make it up in volume! It costs you absolutely nothing. And, unlike Fresnoans, you still have your dignity. I’ve got a ten dollar bet that a Prius Pilot asks how much it is to get in before opening day. So, it's a great deal to come here and hang out, spend some time, see some cars, have a laugh or two, but most of all, have fun! This is us doing what we love, so enjoy! Spend a little money at Redmond Town Center while you’re at it. They let us use the lots so it’s the least we all could do for them. Oh, come on, buy some socks.

Made from 40% recycled jokes.

Our Mission

Promote the exotic and rare car culture in the Northwest, all while having fun, good health, lots of laughs, resulting in a very long and virtuous life. (Better digestion too!)

About the Event Itself

Exotics@RTC is an informal weekly gathering of exotic and very rare cars that draws owner and spectators together for mutual enjoyment of all things car-related from all over the globe. There is no cost. The event is entirely free. We are NOT a “Cars and Coffee” and we maintain strict criteria and rules to keep it the best show in the country.

E@RTC has grown through fifteen prior seasons to become the largest weekly car gathering in the US, as far as we know. (We bolded "weekly" because we get so much email asking when we're having our next event...WEEKLY-weekly-WEEKLY!)

The organization at its anchor is made up of over three dozen volunteers who do everything they can to make each and every Saturday morning a unique, fun and amusing experience.

From the moment you bring your car to display, you’re greeted by someone who can help direct you to the best section to show your car, making it simple and fun for all attendees. Throughout each season, E@RTC hosts six special theme events including pre-production and prototype cars, new model unveilings, and occasional sessions with senior automotive company management. Yes, famous people do stop by.

Our goal is to have a great time each Saturday morning so we don't take ourselves too seriously. This is a place to come with friends and see some amazing cars and just have a lot of laughs and talk cars.

Check this website or our Facebook page “Exotics@RTC” for the latest news and information if we don’t give you enough here on our Newsy page. We never know what will show up on a weekly basis, whether it will be a Bugatti Veyron, rare Ferrari 250 GTO, latest Pebble Beach Concourse winner, three La Ferraris together, or one of the other fastest production cars in the world (the SSC Ultimate Aero).

E@RTC occasionally hosts senior automotive executives, including the CEO and senior management team of Lamborghini, famous automotive designers, and some of the most interesting people this side of the Mississippi. It’s free, family friendly, and outdoors so you get a little exercise to justify that donut you just hid in your pocket.

Our History

The photo on the left is the first car, on the very first morning of E@RTC on Valentines day, February 14, 2009.

It started with Tom Nault and Victor Tiscareno who wanted to find a place to gather up some exotics in the corner of Redmond Town Center on an early Saturday morning and get out of the house and go have breakfast. Tom thought ten cars would show up, and Vic, fellow co-founder, thought about twice that. We had over 30 cars show up that first freezing cold, hypothermia-inducing Saturday morning and we've never stopped growing...and we've never fully warmed up.

Tom made it his full time job initially to get the show rolling before other volunteers joined to take up the slack. Tom and Vic along with the others to this day still maintain controlling interest in the event, but regard E@RTC as shared ownership by all the volunteers who put the time into making the event a success. We think of it as a community asset to be enjoyed by everyone, and we’re just the stewards to make sure it is a continued success. We couldn’t do it without the help of all who pitch in to make it perfect.

Tom now focuses mostly on the business side as the managing partner, and is constantly working behind the scenes to keep E@RTC running smoothly every year, and Vic is our brand ambassador. We have a lot of other volunteers who play key roles in our management. Jason Bourriague plays an important role as senior partner and manages much of the behind-the scenes work with Tom. Meanwhile, Sean McDonough, Kristof Telegdy, and David Prevedel manage the entrance, we rotate management on “day of event,” Sean also manages the criteria, Spencer Leamer helps out with communications and criteria, Andre Cunningham manages our text message broadcasts, Kristof, and Todd Sanders and others manage radios, and Redmond Town Center pitches in behind the scenes as well. Jason Tang manages our Instagram page and is our Senior Photographer. The roughly 36 volunteers are all highly dedicated most with assigned secondary roles, who each play an important part in our success. Please see our volunteer page to learn more about these amazing people who give up their time every Saturday morning and work behind the scenes to bring you this wonderful event.

Good News! We’re now dolphin safe!


…are 9-11 AM. If you're showing, be sure to get there before 8:30 and even earlier on event days or you’re screwed. We don’t allow cars through the entrance after 10:00 AM. It’s just too rude. We are frequently full by 8:30 AM. Show season begins in April and runs through mid-October, weather permitting. We do not allow cars to leave early unless they have special permission before they come in.

To summarize, our season runs from April until October.

Weather Permitting!

We call it off if the chance of rain is 30% or higher and we post it here as well as on our Facebook page and other electronic forms. Trust us, we go through a lot to sort out the weather and sometimes they get it wrong. Don’t blame us.

General Attendance Information

For exotic owners: If you’re wishing to show a car, be sure to come early, follow the signs on our map, that lead you to the corner of 168th Avenue NE and Bear Creek Parkway enter 168th, turn left at the first intersection and drive straight. Someone will be there to direct you to the right row. From there, one of the beloved Parking Thugs will guide you to the perfect spot. It’s that easy!

If you show up late, we will put you in the area where we think best. It won’t be one of the better spots, so show up early. Don’t plan to leave early. Everyone knows you’re just showboating and it makes you look like you can’t make real friends.

For spectators, park west of the display lots or in the parking structure and river-dance on over!