Bag the Tea and Crumpets…

…British Car Day and the Ford EV event are rained out for September 14. For those from Fresno, it means it’s been canceled—sort of like your car insurance—only in this case, we’re just delayed a week, unless next week is rained out too. We’ll just keep kicking that can down the road a week until we get a good Saturday.

I don’t know why, but “crumpet” always sounded like something a doctor should remove with a sedative. It never sounds good. There has never been a moment when I’ve ever asked, "Where can I get a good crumpet around here?" It always sounded like something you ate on a dare, or something you had to eat to get into a fraternity, with a worm or a garden slug on top.

We’re all kind of bummed about the weekend because British Car Day is one of our favorites, and when it comes to nice and polite, they tend to be the best. Sure, we always get those one or two entitled people who show up, but we’re sympathetic to their plight—their inability to scratch something that itches so badly in public.

We’re getting closer to the end of our season, so hopefully, we at least get British Car Day and a regular lot day in before it comes to an end. We never know our final day of the season until the week we’re in it. It’s that moment when we all stand around, unable to make eye contact with lots of dead air, and think, "Okay, I’m done talking."

We’ll give it another go next week, and we hope to see you then!

Oh, and if you gripe to us about showing up in the rain, even your own mom won’t work that street corner in the soup, so zip it.


We Are Watching…

