We are Officially…

…rained out for our invisible show on Saturday, August 17 at who cares what time? This means everyone who wasn’t planning to come is now not planning to not come. This means we are canceling all efforts to not show up, will still not show up, and will instead postpone our ghost event until sometime this winter when we still have no plans to show up.

For those of you from Fresno, this means you can cancel your plans to not show up and shift them to a rain cancellation and still not show up. You get two excuses for the price of one. We’ve doubled your absence for not a penny more. The only difference is what you wear to not show up. Just think, it’s four more hours to Poo-bear around the house! (Poo-bearing: walking around the house in nothing but a t-shirt.) Or, just wear some mud boots.

Basically, for those who just don’t understand any of this, we’ve double-stacked the nothing burgers. Yum!

We will resume our normal schedule on the corner lots again on Saturday, August 24, but we’re keeping a watch on that pesky weather that may not cooperate that day. Mom Nature can be such a bee-itch this time of year. Right now it’s 50/50, and there is only a 50% chance we’re right about that 50/50. Look at the bright side…(yeah, that involves a drive to Eastern WA), but there is one somewhere. Just not here.

We only have about seven weeks of shows remaining if there is no rain, and that time flies right by, so do come out…but not this Saturday.

For the Nebraskan pimple farmer in the red, black, and white Lotus, we know you needed to get the car back before your mom woke up from her rough night, but you’re now banned for good.

One last thing. Please don’t move our cones. Ever! We’ve been specially trained to move cones and we will do it for you. It was a six week class and it cost a lot of money so let us take care of it, and if you self park, you’re out. We really don’t like to do these things but it’s a safety thing and we have rules to follow too. It’s a condition of our existence.


Awww Crap! We’re…


Don’t Forget to Not Show Up!