Awww Crap! We’re…

…rained out for Saturday, August 24. Seriously rained out! It’s going to pour, people! This means you can stay home, sit by the tub, and grind off a little toenail or something. It’s not that often that we have a rain day in August. It may even be a first for us. We know this is more disappointing than hospital food, but we have next week, hopefully.

This would have been a great weekend with lots of stories from Monterey, but they will have to wait until next week. We’ve also had a lot of feedback about Retro Day, and it was a big hit with all of you, so that will probably happen again. We’ve received some great emails about Classic and Collector Day, and virtually all of it was in favor of killing the event as a theme day. It’s not because of a lack of participation, but because of all the challenges it creates.

We’ve never had that many issues with entitlement combined with logistical complexities, and the entitlement part was never what we’re about. Our theme was always to be like kids getting together to talk cars, have some fun, and share a few laughs. We don’t want E@RTC to ever become too formal or pretentious, or for that matter, bring on any sense of entitlement. Yes, some of the old cars are very needy, and we’re not geared up for that en masse. We can handle a few at a time, no problem, but a whole show is a different animal.

We’ve always fought against those who try to make it about them, and we wanted the show to be welcoming, but with enough of a standard that we met your expectations. As it is, it kills us to turn some cars away, but it’s also what has kept us alive for the past fifteen years.

Thinking about us should bring a smile to your face and not some anxiety over politics or status. We should feel like the neighborhood diner, except we don’t have a building, a kitchen, or some shitty soup right out of a can. You have enough stress in your week, so we want you to come down and have a great time and not worry about any of that. Classic and Collector Day was taking us away from that core value that made us great. Classic and collector cars will always be welcome with open arms; it’s just that all at once as a theme is a difficult thing.

We only have about six or seven Saturdays left in the season, and we still have British Car Day coming up as our last theme day. No, not our last day; it’s our last theme day.

We will also have Ford joining us again, but this time they will be here on British Car Day, but over in the main lots. They recently made the request, and we’re doing all we can to make it work for everyone. We will always do our best to support the auto industry. Without them, we’d be parking horses and shoveling poop. None of us wish to shovel poop. We get enough in election season. See you all next week!


It looks like we’re…


We are Officially…