Don’t Forget to Not Show Up!

This is just a reminder that this Saturday is our Second Invisible Show of the season. This is another one you’ve been dying to miss. The only things that will show up are actual Rolls Royce Ghosts, but chances are fairly solid that you won’t physically see them. If you do, Rolls Royce will dance and sing with tears of joy streaming down their faces. This Saturday is guaranteed to be a damp squib.

We’re dedicating this empty lot to everyone who’s ever been ghosted, stood up, catfished, or accidentally fallen in love with an online sock puppet. ONLINE sock puppet, not the sock…never mind. You get the point. This empty lot is for you!

We have our regular blog this coming Thursday where we talk about nothing, and then we’ll see you all again on August 24, where you can all tell stories about what you saw in Monterey this weekend. More on Thursday.


We are Officially…


We’re a Go for Retro Day…