We are a…

Back to our regular lots!

…go for Exotics at Redmond Town Center on Saturday, July 20, at our usual time and place in the corner lots. The weather looks good as far as the eye can see. I don’t know about the other eye. We don’t have another theme day until Retro Day, which will be on August 10, and way more exciting than a Waffle House at 2 AM, where the bare aluminum chairs are built to throw if you don’t like your bacon.

We had a fabulous turnout of nobody for our first invisible show of the season. We’d like to thank everyone who didn’t show up. We were out of nothing burgers even before we started. Hopefully, you made it to the Arts Festival and are home admiring your new wooden fish. We have one more invisible show this season on August 17 during car week at Monterey. You will want to miss that one too, so mark it on your calendar to be somewhere else entirely. Go to Monterey!

People are starting to ask what’s allowed for our upcoming Retro Car Day. Think 80s and 90s, neon, lots of pink, pop-up headlights on cool cars, puffy hair… on your head… not down there. Bright rim sunglasses, color, great music. Look up Radwood and peruse the photos to get the idea. That’s a similar theme. This is the first time we’ve tried this, so it could go extremely well…or not. Sort of like a first date that ends in either marriage or an entire episode of COPS with you and your mother-in-law getting carried out hogtied while still yelling at each other.

We will be posting even more details as we get closer to the event. Start looking for your outfit now. Yes, you dress up too.

It’s hard to believe we’re already past the halfway point of the season. The good news is that the weather usually holds for the next two months before it suddenly starts to dump again. We’re guessing we have about eight shows left in the season, not counting the invisible shows. It seems like a lot, but it comes up so fast. Then everyone starts crying because it’s over.


Well This Will Be…


Our Invisible Show is…