This won’t be Absolutely Spectacular!

This is what this non-event should look like if we did everything exactly to specifications.

This Saturday, July 13, is our first invisible show of the season, where you will see absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. You will be amazed how the parking lots, through a lot of hard work from our volunteers, will be configured to exactly match the parking lots on any other given morning, right down to the smallest detail of someone walking through with their hands in their pockets and a crow landing to pick at some used gum. We rehearsed this non-show for weeks!

We even flew to an advance ticket purchase line for Nickelback just to observe what it’s like to have nobody there so we could recreate the exact same atmosphere. We even went so far as to scientifically recreate a rainy day, then digitally subtracted the rain to get the proper simulation—all to bring you absolutely nothing on a Saturday morning.

The real reason for our invisible show is that Redmond Town Center needs the lots for their annual Redmond Arts Festival, which is a nice event if you’re into painted driftwood, chutney, and a bag of nuts. This is their 13th annual show, and it is popular with the arts and crafts people. You’d be surprised by what can be turned into a gravy boat!

We’ll post our usual blog on Thursday to tell you we’re off one more time in case this didn’t sink in. Chat then!


Our Invisible Show is…


I Can’t Believe We’re…