It’s going to be…

…another beautiful Saturday, September 7, for Exotics at Redmond Town Center. This is more exciting than that 2 AM stomach pump you had in college! It’s probably going to be the last Saturday in the 80s and sunny, so what a time to come out and be a part of E@RTC! This could be our last regular corner event as we don’t know what the weather will do after British Car Day. September can be anything.

We also have British Car Day coming up on the 14th. You won’t want to miss that big event. This year, because of some logistical challenges with dates, we’re also simultaneously running with Ford, who will be doing their EV event as part of the Electrify Expo, running all weekend in other places around the area. Ford will be in the corner Horseshoe. Yes, we know they are not British cars, and there are two different events within E@RTC, but it’s more fun for all of you. It’s important to E@RTC to support the auto manufacturers and keep building that relationship. Who knows where it will lead? (I’m dropping a hint.)

The EV debate continues to rage, and I still get a ton of messages about it on Quora. Nothing works people up more than that debate. The reality is that EVs are, from now on, always going to be a part of the automotive landscape. And now, with EVs doing zero to 60 in less than one second, at what point do your eyeballs get stuck in the back of your skull? At some point, I’d think your organs would separate. Maybe 100 years from now, you go back in time just slightly—just enough to slap your older self and get a good laugh.

Think about it: it would be like getting rear-ended by a truck doing 90. At what point do we say, “This is gonna hurt”? All of that will be EVs in some form.

What hasn’t caught on just yet is that car design can get very crazy if you’re only dealing with electric motors. You think the Cybertruck is nuts? I think we’re going to see a whole different kind of nuts in the future. Not those nuts. Without a big block and with flat batteries, anything becomes possible.

Now that it’s September, keep an eye out for the optimum time to drive the Cascade Loop. If you’ve only driven it in one direction, do the reverse, and the entire trip looks completely different. I’m still mildly shocked by the number of people who have never driven it before. It’s one of the best loops in the U.S., and some don’t want to put the miles on their cars—well, then take the daily driver! Rent something; just do the drive. The best is weekdays, overnight at Sun Mountain, and a bratwurst with a side of kraut in Leavenworth and gas for the whole trip. That’s high living!

See you all Saturday!




It looks like we’re…