It looks like we’re…

…on for our first E@RTC in three weeks. I know, this is more exciting than the time you got drunk and your dead relatives carried you home.

For those from Fresno, we were off the last two weeks for different reasons. No, not that “different,” not Fresno-different, just Monterey week and rain. It’s only in Fresno where you have to define “different.”

We will be in our regular lots at our regular time, doing regular stuff. This will probably be a good weekend to come out, too. We’re always busy after two weeks off, so come out and see some amazing cars—and always something new. You may even see some recent purchases from Monterey! You never know. I could be dropping a hint, for all you know. Somebody got something new to show off. That I know for sure.

After this Saturday, at most, there are only about six events left, one of which is British Car Day combined with a visit from Ford’s e-cars in our regular lots. You won’t want to miss that Saturday either. We’ll write more about that as we get closer. Some of the planning with Ford is still in the works, but they will be offering demo drives of one of their e-cars. I don’t yet know which one or the staging area just yet, but probably at the Archer.

This will also be the warmest of the upcoming Saturdays, so expect a lot of tops off. Oh, on the cars. From here, we start the slow cooling trend toward our final event sometime at the end of September or early October. We never know when exactly. It’s when we see nothing but rain in the forecast until April.

This is a great time of year to also do the Peninsula Loop because it’s a little cooler along the coast, and kids are back in school, so hotels are a little easier to snag. If you leave after E@RTC, you could spend a night in Forks! Second prize is two nights! Yeah, that’s an old joke that never gets old. Forks is sort of Fresno West. It’s a shame they never got clever and named the immediate north and south towns Knives and Spoons. Think of the tourists! Yet they thought “Beaver” was a good idea. Just about every state has at least one place named Beaver. Don’t even get me started. That could be an interesting drive- hit all the Beavers in the US. I’m done.

See you all on Saturday!


It’s going to be…


Awww Crap! We’re…