Awww Crap…

…we’re rained out for Saturday, May 18th.

For those who are confused, that’s this Saturday. Yes, this one. No, not the next one. Trust me, someone’s writing to us right now for clarification. Hang on a minute while I explain it to them… When it rains on a Saturday and the chance is 30% or higher, we call off E@RTC. Yes, we call it off. No, not for the whole season, just on the Saturday it’s expected to rain. Yes, that’s this Saturday. Do you understand now? (I have to speak in mother-in-law sometimes or we get lots of mail.)

Okay, where were we…?

For those who are new to E@RTC, there are really three steps to getting your car in the show. (There is only one step if you just want to see the cars—that’s just show up and park somewhere around the mall), but if you’re planning to participate, three steps. Yup, just three easy steps. This is easier than missing Fresno.

The first step is that you go to our Criteria page and check to see if your car meets the 2024 show criteria. Think of it as sort of like the Disneyland, “You need to be this tall to get on the ride” sign. It doesn’t mean your car isn’t awesome, it’s just not right for our show so don’t be offended. Disneyland has that measuring stick so little Johnny doesn’t get slingshot off Indiana Jones straight to Jesus. We have our criteria for our reasons too.

Next, read the rules. They are not hard and are oozing with common sense, but unfortunately we have a few people who never managed to grow enough of that in their brains and are forced to get through life with just a tiny amount of that precious stuff and still lick frozen poles in winter. Some were born without any and should never be anywhere near a nail gun.

The third step is to study the entrance map on our directions page and come in via Bear Creek Parkway heading east and going right past our corner by just one block. It’s easy. Really, it is. It’s not like this is a corn maze, so just follow the other cars.

There is no cutting in line, and we send you all the way around to start over. Starting over is what Madonna’s plastic surgeon dreams of every night. In this case, it just means going to the back of the line. There are no lasting marks.

We’ll try again next Saturday. That’s the one after this Saturday. Yes, the one that’s German Car Day. No, it’s not just German Cars. It’s just when we highlight those special cars and park them in the center of Redmond Town Center. They put the Center in Center. See you next Saturday! That’s the 25th. Yes, that one in May.


German Car Day is…


And We Are…