And We Are…

...on for Saturday, May 11th for another exciting Saturday morning of E@RTC! It's going to be warm too! Temps will be in the 80s. Tops will be off…on just cars people, just cars. Hairy legs will be out blinding people so sun glasses matter. It will be the first real summer day of E@RTC and one you won't want to miss. It will be like opening day with a second opening. This is more exciting than a Cybertruck argument!

This is when we get all those amazing cars that don’t have tops and only show up on warm days. It's all cool stuff, excuse the pun. We think it will be an extremely busy Saturday so show up early! You will see a lot of rare stuff on these warm days. I was looking at the weather history and May typically gets that one warm day and this is it, so come out!

We currently have over 30 volunteers at E@RTC and we've had more than 60 people volunteer over the years. Through all these volunteers as they hand off from one group to the next, we've never forgotten our mission to preserve the original vision of E@RTC. From our start, it was tightly defined around what we know does and doesn’t work based on attendance and feedback from all of you. It's why we love it when you write to us about the show’s likes and dislikes, even if you are from Fresno.

We've watched other car shows come and go and implode from their own weight. We even offer up other car shows' dos and don’ts so they can be more successful, but it's like watching a kid pull a TV down on his head. Sometimes it’s the only way they learn.

From time to time, we’re pressured to take the show in a different direction, but this direction is and has always been based on a personal preference for what someone thinks the show “should” be rather than what we've built as our brand. All of us have experienced this with a great restaurant. It's been doing well for years—then suddenly, a new owner buys the place, changes the menu, and the thing goes out of business shortly thereafter, and they wonder why. Well, that's not us. Our focus has always been on you and what you tell us you want to see, and we’ve never changed hands!

What some don’t know is that a lot of our criteria come from feedback we get day to day. We think, does it match our mission? Would you drive some distance to see it? Is it memorable? All of that thinking goes into what makes a good show. Yes, there are always gray areas, like your questionable choice for a date, but always with great intentions.

We don’t plan to move away from our brand and what has become the oldest continuous weekly exotic and rare car show in the US. Others try to claim they are older (they never say wiser), but they are always something different. Some shows are monthly. Some are tiny, but mostly just a group of the same friends.

We always thought that a weekly show was a better way to go for us because it gave people a chance to see each other often enough to remember names and become actual friends. It was our goal to build a community and to cement a brand, and now we see ourselves as the stewards of that brand, reflecting it back at you.

Don’t forget, if you’re showing up for the first time, please read our rules and follow the directions to get into the show. Don’t make us call your mom. Again.

Here is a snazzy map to get in. We won’t be using center court this week. Just follow the green.


Awww Crap…


Why? “That Thing is Hideous!”