German Car Day is…

…delayed for a week due to bad weather on Saturday, May 25. This means we won’t be having the German sausage-fest you were all expecting this Saturday. Instead, you have to stay home and mope. Yes, we certainly wish it could be different, but nobody likes standing in the rain talking about sausage. Except, maybe along Aurora.

We always get a few people who are mad at us when we call it rained out, but we’re not in the weather business. That’s other people who studied, so go tell them how they ruined your German sausage day. We will move German Car Day to June 1 instead. For those from Fresno, that means seven days later. If June 1 is rained out, we will again move it out another week until we have a nice Saturday where everyone is happy and can dance around.

As for criteria to get in, we are not lowering the bar this year for special car days outside of what we’ve already shared with some people about their cars. The reason is that we have a lot of cars trying to get in for that day, and we want to put on the best possible show.

On that day, when German Car Day is finally on, it would be wise to come early. Just as it’s wise to never point your nail gun at your foot. We expect to be full in record time. If you’re new, read last week’s blog about three steps. That too is a wise thing to do!

Some of you are writing to us and asking about our future plans, especially with Redmond Town Center getting rid of our parking lot at some point. We know about it. They generally keep us informed as they work up their plans. We will work with RTC to the extent we can, but we do have a very nice alternative option should it not be in our best interest to stay in Redmond.

We do all we can to support RTC, and they have worked well with us over the years. They get the first shot, but Redmond is doing all it can to turn downtown Redmond into a deep, dark, ugly housing canyon, and we have no say in that matter.

With housing comes occasional noise complaints, even when the noise has nothing to do with us or is at levels well within city code. Someone hears a loud car, and we sometimes hear about it, so that too has become a thing, but we continue with good cheer. Some folks blaming us for all city noise is like blaming the seatbelt light for turbulence.

Where we can, we enforce our rules on our site, but people forget that Redmond is ground zero for a lot of great drives out of town, so we’re not going to be every unhappy person’s punching bag. If you don’t like noise, why in the world would you live in housing canyons in the first place? That’s like living on a boat and complaining about the water.

We never forget a basic rule in life. Those who strive to tear you down are never the ones who built anything. That, and they eat crayons.

See you all next week. Unless it rains again.


Achtung! It looks like we’re…


Awww Crap…