Saturday is Italian Car Day!

Assuming we still have good weather, we’re having Italian Car Day, one of our biggest events of the season, this Saturday, July 6. For details, click the link above. Our special theme days are still confusing to some. So is a Happy Meal. I know, what’s so happy about it? If they actually made you happy, they would hand them out at funerals.

A theme day is when the theme cars, in this case, Italian cars, park in the center of the mall and along 164th, while all other cars that meet our general criteria are in the main lot, where they still get a lot of attention and love. It’s a wonderful event and a crowd favorite all year. I think it’s our biggest next to opening day, and it’s sort of a bonus because it falls on the holiday weekend, so we get a lot of people from out of town who drool over this stuff. Or they could be drooling over their bad flight. We don’t ask.

We will post our usual blog on Thursday, but we just wanted to give you this little reminder that Italian Car Day is coming up so you don’t miss it and then send us nasty mail. We get enough of that from Fresnoans.


I Can’t Believe We’re…


And we Are…