And we are…

...on for this Saturday! Yes, for those of you who don't know, it's another exciting Saturday of Exotics at Redmond Town Center! If you read last week's blog, we also posted that we're hosting Ford Motor Company this Saturday, and don’t forget, British Car Day is on the 16th! This is more exciting than rained-on Burning Man!

From now on, when someone complains about us calling it off for rain, I'm just going to post pictures of Burning Man. Some of those cars are better off buried right where they are rather than having some fat, naked venture capitalist dig out his modded-out Sprinter in front of you while you scream at him to stop bending over.

I never wanted to go to Burning Man. The whole thing looks like my apartment in college. We didn't vacuum. We raked. We borrowed a leaf blower from the yard guy. We never knew who the fat guy was wearing nothing but beads and a coco pod, as he walked through our apartment and I’m sure it's the same guy wandering around Burning Man screaming, "Freedom!" today only a lot older and looking more like beef jerky. You're just wishing you could unsee the last few days of your life in the desert.

Seventy-thousand people leave Burning Man, and now they suddenly love asphalt. I don't get it. People go out there to celebrate freedom from civilization, then a little rain causes them to river dance around in mud, and they end up praying for civilization and a good ham sandwich. Nothing like a muddy sprout sandwich and an alkaline burn in your butt crack to make your vacation special. Pass!

I went to Evergreen. Burning Man was like every single day on campus.

For those coming to British Car Day on the 16th, please read our criteria page first before writing us. If you can’t find the answer there, we’ll get to your questions as fast as we can. Trust me, we have better customer support than Amazon.

Here is a repeat from last week's blog about what's happening on Saturday.

Ford Motor Company will be in town for the two day Electrify Expo event held at Marymoor Park the weekend of the 9th and 10th. This gets a little confusing, so for those from Fresno, give up now.

To promote the event, Ford will be attending E@RTC and bringing the F150-Lightning and the Ford Mustang Mach-E to E@RTC on the morning of the 9th before they head over to Marymoor park to join the expo. Here is the registration link for the event at Marymoor and by registering at this fine link, you are able to receive a wristband to Electrify Expo over at the park.

We’ve also agreed to allocate space for EVs at E@RTC for this one-time event before they head over to Marymoor park. Space will be limited for EVs that day, but they are welcome at E@RTC! Shocking we know!

Join the Ford Motor Company representatives as they will be providing breakfast & coffee even if you don’t drive an EV and are just standing there with your hands in your pockets. You can register at this link to receive a wristband to attend Electrify Expo at Marymoor Park to test drive electric vehicles, scooters, bikes and see the future in Electrification. To learn more about Electrify Expo you can visit this nifty link to Electrify Expo. Come join us that morning then head over to Marymoor park after E@RTC. They tell us they are going to cook something with an EV. We just hope it’s not liver and onions.


British Car Day Saturday!


Well, it looks like we’re…