Paccar Comes to E@RTC!

Come see these beauties this Saturday!

PACCAR is celebrating the 100-year anniversary of Kenworth, and they are bringing out two beautifully painted examples of their latest and greatest trucks to mark the occasion. This is more exciting than finding a new way to kill something at Bass Pro!

A lot of people don't know that PACCAR is headquartered right here in the Northwest! Many also don't realize that Kenworth and Peterbilt are actually PACCAR brands. Many don’t even know there is a huge factory down in Renton!

Who hasn't fantasized about being a trucker and scanning the road ahead for things to flatten? Who hasn't imagined shoving a Prius into a ditch with a maniacal laugh while puffing a cigar? Ah yes, there's something about big machines that stirs up the kid in all of us. Who hasn't fantasized about that inch thick Prius, or if a dried out flattened squirrel would make a good frisbee? It’s creepy that some of you have a list of people you’d like to run over, but hey, we’re all different.

What I admire most is the build quality of these machines that typically see a 500,000-mile service life. Exotics go around the block and we're all checking them to make sure they are still in good condition, but these babies run around the clock in all weather and they are just fine. They're more than fine! They scrape off deer with nothing more than Windex and a squeegee, like we scrape off bugs after a trip to the store. Take a close close look at the build quality. It's impressive!

According to Google, the average trucker puts on 80 to 110 thousand miles a year, with some driving 125,000 miles a year. I was thinking, who’d put on that many miles? Even at 70 miles an hour on average, that’s still about 1,800 hours of seat time. Obviously, not one of them ever eats at Taco Bell. I'm guessing to rack up those miles you have to be in the big states where everything is wide open and you don’t have to stop. If you're driving in congested parts of the US, you're probably sitting more, driving less, and showing off that middle finger more frequently.

When I was a kid, I wanted to be a trucker and haul a giant missile around just because I thought it was cool. What the hell was I thinking? Now that I'm older, if I were a trucker, I'd want to haul foam rubber. Then no matter how severe the accident, we'd all bounce off each other and everyone would just laugh and have a good time. We'd all go home and tell our friends about how much fun we had.

The trucks will be in our usual lots, and we will be our usual selves in our usual lots. We think it will be a great turnout, so don't miss it! See you Saturday!


It’s going to be…


We’re Visible and We’re On!