It certainly looks like we’re…

Our regular Saturday lots.

…on for Saturday, May 13! This also means we go back to our regular lots however, we still use the same entrance approach as we did opening day. This is going to be another beautiful day and so we’re expecting another fantastic turnout. For those of you expecting us to be in the center mall, nope, we’re over by BJs. Yup BJs. We know, such a classy name. It’s right up there with Crabby Dick’s and Thai Tanic.

We don’t want to see you over in center mall on your knees wailing because you think we abandoned you. Just stand up, turn towards BJs, not behind the dumpsters, and start walking and you will walk right into us. We’re talking about walking towards the restaurant, just to be clear.

Inies and Audis

So, we’ve been having a lot of internal debate about what to do with some models of Audis, particularly the RS4 variant. As you probably know we banned all A4 subspecies in May 2022 because of continuous bad behavior from one group. It was relentless until our ban. The ban worked. It’s not what we ever wanted to do, but we had no choice.

Some have suggested we give it another go because the troublemakers are gone. Apparently their moms got their cars back, and we guess they are back to their BMXs with cards in the spokes. We’ve agreed to a probationary run where we have to know some of you a little bit better to make sure we’re well past the Chuck E. Cheese phase. We’re damn serious about our rules and some thought they were not important, so we thought, let’s let Audi self-police and send them home with wedgies. After the A4-variant ban last season, we had far fewer problems overall. So, we’re not yet convinced this is a good idea to lighten up, but we’ll see how it goes. We’d love your feedback on the matter.

From what you shared with us, there were some idiot “club” members who were all butt-hurt because we have a criteria that didn’t include them, so they thought disrupting us would send a message. Yeah, it made other Audi owners look bad. All we heard was the equivalent of a screaming tantrum where you pass out on the store floor because you didn’t get Froot Loops.

Showing your displeasure about our criteria is like getting upset with the guest list at someone’s wedding because you weren’t invited. Seems very narcissistic and rather self-absorbed, like the basement dwelling Hot-Pocket man-child types who suck at gaming and have names like “Lord Thunder,” “King Dragon,” “Ball Tingle” or “Clapping Ta-Tas.” We hate to stereotype, but when we see the behavior and see them, it kind of fits. They step out of their cars and you say to yourself, “sure.”

We’re now cataloging the photos and video you send us of the bad behaving cars and drivers along with plate numbers to keep better track of who’s banned so all our volunteers know. We do this to ensure all of you that we fully intend to keep this event safe and viable for years to come and we will never got complacent about our roles keeping it all safe and fun. We also don’t want to ban the wrong cars.

Keep in mind not only do we ban you, but you get life at Alcatraz where you will be forced to give the shitty tour where some Smurf from Fresno will ask you for the 5,000th time if you can swim from there.

The amazing Jason Bourriague. Doesn’t he look like he works out? I think he works out. I’m pretty sure he works out.

We have a couple of other changes happening. Jason Bourriague who’s managed our volunteers and “day of show” activities will be stepping into a slightly different role and work on more of the admin side with me. Jason has done an amazing job with the organization and getting our volunteers to be such a cohesive group. He has been a real force behind our volunteers but needs more time with his kids and as we’ve grown, we need more help on the back end. Jason has been a big part of helping us define our brand going forward and we have a lot of fun working together. He’s not leaving us, but you won’t see him as often on a Saturday morning.

The remarkable Sean McDonough having…I’m not sure what they are taking a picture of and I’m not going to ask. Must be impressive.

Sean McDonough is also stepping back a bit to get some weekends off, but will still be our master of show criteria and still work the entrance as he has time. He’s not leaving us, but has some conflicting weekend plans this season. I’m constantly amazed by Sean as he helps sort out our event criteria in addition to working the entrance. We get a lot of criteria questions in a month and Sean is the master at knowing the exact right answer. He’s also been with us from nearly the very beginning and along with so many others, carries that history forward. Some call it… “baggage.” We see legacy. Sean has also been a real foundational player in our growth and he like Vic knows just about everyone.

The side most people don’t see are the hundreds of emails we get about criteria and the pre-screening of some cars. Sean gets all the questions that are not so obvious and does a remarkable job. It’s a serious talent.

We have a more younger faces getting involved and our plan is to get them in roles to help carry the same brand expectations far into the future. As we say so often, we’re now the stewards of what has become a great tradition. Again, both will still remain very involved but we’re growing and we’re getting older. So many jokes. Oh, they are coming.

We also have German Car Day coming up soon. More on that as we get closer. See you all on Saturday!


It Looks Like…


We’re going to be…