I’m normally on top…

…of this blog a little more than this, but when we do an event like the photo yearbook project, it means other things have to get moved aside. With only so many hours in the day and with the limited number of volunteers we have, it’s hard to spend time on one thing without giving up time on something else. We’ve yet to figure out how to squeeze more hours in a day, but I’m sure some pimply grad student somewhere is working on it as a physics problem. I just know it. They probably sent their cat back in time and don’t want to tell anyone. Especially if it materialized on a dining room rock during the Paleolithic period.


A giant congratulations to those at SSC for their world road speed record of 331 MPH! Can you imaging just tooling down the road at 70 MPH, and have someone squirt by you at 261 MPH in the left lane? You wouldn’t even know it happened! It would sound like a very loud bird fart and you’d have no idea what you just saw. You’d burp up your coffee in terror! Your eyes can’t even focus that fast.

If you’ve ever driven extremely fast on a road, you know how narrow it gets as you go faster. At that speed it had to be like balancing on a fishing line. I’m getting lots of requests for the record holder car at E@RTC and we’ll work on it this spring. If you look at the inside camera, the driver doesn’t dare flinch. Just a sneeze would send you into another county. The entire endeavor is a remarkable thing. Think of what the tires went through! Think what his shorts went through!

We still have one more day of shooting to complete along with all the collections, but we’ve run into a combination of weather and scheduling issues. We’re still working on it. It seems like a lot is happening all at once, but we will get it done. So far, the photos look great!

Calendar Meeting

Once again we’re bumping up against our calendar planning meeting for 2021. We do this right as our season ends. We have four special calendar days that have to get scheduled. Opening Day is easy and all we have to do is get decent weather. That’s officially the first Saturday in April, however we are going to do some kind of winter pop-up event on some cold Saturday, so please watch for that!

After our opener, the next event day is German Car Day, which will be in either late May or early June. This is followed by Italian Car Day, then Classic Car Day and British Car Day. Those are the big four special events. As for special cars, so much depends on how many volunteers we have this upcoming season. The more help we get, the more we can improve our season. It’s the big regulator.

The calendar meeting is a lot harder to sort out than you’d probably imagine. There are so many other clubs and their events and every year, no matter what, we get email from someone complaining about the special event dates. Rest assured, there is no way to pick our dates without it conflicting with someone somewhere. Some grandmother in Iowa will write us and say it’s the day she takes little Bark Twain to the vet. It never fails.

If you have some big event on the calendar for next year that competes with E@RTC, write us and let us know. We’ll take it into consideration.

We’ll keep you posted on the next photo day and anything else that’s happening. I plan to write weekly all winter as I did last year, so hang with us. Lots to write about.


We will Try Again


We still have…